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올뉴모닝 [재몽이~]

스마트폰 백미러 거치대 켑데이스/ CAPDASE / Car Rear View Mirror Mount Holder

Model No. : HR00-CC01
-Securely mount your mobile device on your in-car rearview mirror while you drive
-Adjustable feet fit any in-car rearview mirror
-Cushioned expandable holder with exclusive secure locking mechanism
-360 °adjustable rotating joint for optimal viewing angles
-Flexible bending neck

Model No. : HR00-CC01
-Securely mount your mobile device on your in-car rearview mirror while you drive
-Adjustable feet fit any in-car rearview mirror
-Cushioned expandable holder with exclusive secure locking mechanism
-360 °adjustable rotating joint for optimal viewing angles
-Flexible bending neck
Model No. : HR00-CC01
-Securely mount your mobile device on your in-car rearview mirror while you drive
-Adjustable feet fit any in-car rearview mirror
-Cushioned expandable holder with exclusive secure locking mechanism
-360 °adjustable rotating joint for optimal viewing angles
-Flexible bending neck
Model No. : HR00-CC01
-Securely mount your mobile device on your in-car rearview mirror while you drive
-Adjustable feet fit any in-car rearview mirror
-Cushioned expandable holder with exclusive secure locking mechanism
-360 °adjustable rotating joint for optimal viewing angles
-Flexible bending neck

켑데이스 차량용 스마트폰 거치대 입니다.

네비없는 불쌍한 저를 위해서 하나 장만한 거치대.....

시중에 판매하는 제품중에서 가장 튼튼해보이고 값도 좀 나가는 제품...












인터넷으로 사면 2만 몇천원 하는데... 3만원 넘게 파는 이상한 사람도 있더군요...

아래는 홈페이지 내용..








위 첨부파일은 메뉴얼.